Winchmore Hill & Enfield Hockey Club


By admin March 30, 2023 In 2022-23, Ladies, Mens

Week 20 – M1s finish on a high

WH&E M1 4 : 0 East London M4

A final rearranged fixture for the M1s, saw order restored at last – after several weeks of good performances, but no result, Winchmore dominated the game from the off. 3 goals in the first half  from Dan, Luke and Dom, put the game almost out of sight. With another from Colin (who else?!) in the second half wrapping up a comfortable win, and a well-deserved clean sheet to boot.

But was it enough stave off relegation? We will have to wait and see…

WH&E L1 1 : 0 Wapping W4

Saturday morning, bright and windy, the L1s turned up to their last “true” home game. And we discovered Sarah is allergic to wind…because that’s a thing.

We started strong. Maybe a little too strong for captain Shell who got a green card very early on. I’d say what for, but I wasn’t paying attention and didn’t realise she was off until Beth yelled at me to drop into defence…anyone want to enlighten me go ahead!

The word of the day was commitment. Upgraded to sexy commitment…we won’t discuss what Vicki wanted it to be…

Unfortunately, we decided not to commit to scoring goals, hitting multiple posts and putting the ball just wide of the goal instead. Even a discussion at half-time of where we wanted to put the ball didn’t help!

Vicki made an incredible save, at the wrong end. Bethany decided to make the fight for top goal scorer physical, knocking over Abbi – our leading scorer – in front of goal.

Sam and Shell wholeheartedly agreed that a cross from a hit out was on….it wasn’t…cue our tiny little keeper making incredible diving saves with support from Amber to keep us in the game.

Then Karen Goode existed. Oh, the wonderful Karen Goode, Queen of spinning around and twirly whirlying when on the ball. She twirly whirlyed past basically the whole of the Wapping team and put the ball in the goal.

We had 10 minutes left, and uncharacteristically for us we didn’t panic and spent the whole time attacking and pushing for another goal.

A 1-0 win, and an excellent FINAL home game….

WH&E L2 1 : 1 Hendon & Mill Hill W1

After a comfortable defeat to HMH earlier in the season, the L2s were looking for a much better performance in the return fixture, and this is what they got.

1-0 down for a good chunk of the game the L2s continued to battle hard and their perseverance paid off, when 5 mins from full time, a fast break down the right resulted in Harriet slapping it past the keeper into the far corner for her first senior goal. Cue big celebrations, and a very worthy 1-1 draw.

WH&E M2 4 : 5 Harrow M2

A ding dong battle with Harrow saw Winchmore take a 2-0 lead, only to be pegged back with Harrow capitalising on Winchmore indiscipline to score 3 goals whilst Winchmore had only 10 men on the field. A lesson learned? Let’s hope so.

WH&E L1 0 : 6 Southgate W4 (Wednesday)

A rearranged game that had been postponed due to bad weather…and it rained, a lot. We conceded a lot. That is all.

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