Our club is committed to providing a safe child friendly environment for our junior players. We have adopted England Hockey’s Safeguarding and Protecting Young People policy. As our Junior section continues to grow, WHEHC believes everyone in hockey has a responsibility to safeguard and protect young people and be vigilant. Our role as Welfare Officers is primarily to promote good practice within our club, and to be the first point of contact for members, coaches, volunteers, young people and parents/carers where concerns about welfare, poor practice or child abuse are identified. We also make sure DBS checks are carried out on all individuals who have contact with young people through WHEHC.
If you ever have any concerns, or just want to chat or ask for advice, we can be contacted in confidence in the following ways:
Telephone: 07925 200329
Email: welfare.whehockey@gmail.com
We look forward to seeing you throughout the season.
Gemma Luckman & Nick Smith
Welfare Officers
Winchmore Hill & Enfield Hockey Club
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